Infant/Child CPR for Family and Friends (RXCPRFF)
Course Memo
Course Description:
• This course is designed for the general public parents, grandparents, babysitters, and mass CPR training participants. It is an entry-level modular course that offers instruction in one-rescuer child and infant CPR. Students will learn basic child and infant CPR skills and recognizing and relieving choking in children and infants.
• This is not a certification course – it is strictly for information and basic skills knowledge.
• None.
Pertinent Information:
• All books included in tuition
• Students will be given time to practice skills.
• Students will not receive a skills or written test.
• Students will receive a course participation card - not a certification card.
• Majority of class time will be spent on the floor practicing/learning skills utilizing the manikins. Students are encouraged to dress comfortably.
Course Content:
Module 1 Infant one-rescuer CPR
Module 2 Child one-rescuer CPR
Module 3 Choking in children and infants
For more information, please call the Health Occupations desk at (405) 377-3333 ext. 209 or 211
(Health, Medical)