Recharge: A Series for Women - Creative Intelligence: Creating with Power and Purpose (Virtual) (MSRC042921)


Course Memo

We are all naturally creative and, like every other skill, some people have more natural talent than others. However, everyone can increase his or her creativity, just as everyone can increase his or her musical or athletic ability, with appropriate training and focused practice. These skills can be learned, increased, applied and mastered! As a chef, educator and entrepreneur, Tiffany Poe is fascinated by the direct correlation to an individual's ability to create and how that plays out in their personal and professional lives. She’s formulated a recipe to help people master content, problem solving, communication, teamwork, time management and leadership challenges with great success by utilizing these culinary based "creative process" skills. Prepare to reconnect to your inner-creative ability and discover how to use your gifts to improve and empower all areas of your professional and personal influence.

(creativity, problem solving, communication, teamwork, time management, leadership)